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NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Micro Economics Consumer Equilibrium

when mu is falling tu is
when mu is falling tu is

When MC becomes negative, the TU declines from 30 to 28 units at 7th units of a commodity. A budget line must be tangent to an indifference curve. Two bundles that the consumer cannot afford to buy are, , . All points on the budget line give equal satisfaction to the consumer. If TU remains the same; MU may be negative or positive. An indifference curve is convex to the origin because of increasing MRSxy.

A consumer consumes only two goods X and Y and is in equilibrium. Show that when the price of good X rises, the consumer buys less of good X. A consumer consumes only two goods X and Y. At a consumption level of these two goods, he finds that the ratio of marginal utility to price in case of X is higher than that in case of Y. Explain the reaction of the consumer.

when mu is falling tu is

Also join our Facebook Group “Economics Students Society” to stay connected with us and receive different knowledgeable material uploaded on Page. Marginal utility of the last rupee spent on each good is the same. Similarly, if there are three commodities i.e. X, Y, Z then the condition of equilibrium, in this case, will be simply MY Money. The law is useful to the government in framing various policies such as progressive tax policy, trade policy, pricing policy etc. VI) Explain the importance of law of DMU?

Difference Between Total Utility and Marginal Utility

3) Kavita consumed five units of oranges one after the other. When MU is Zero, TU is the maximum and it is the point of maximum satisfaction. Kavita consumed five units of oranges one after the other. The consumer gets greater satisfaction from a larger pieces of goods than from a smaller amount.

  • Suppose a consumer has to spend ₹.
  • Points on Y-axis from where budget line starts and the point on X-axis where budget line ends.
  • Explain consumer equilibrium using the concept of budget line and indifference map or Interior Optimum Consumer Equilibrium.
  • For example, milk has both utility as well as usefulness to a consumer, while liquor has utility only to an addict, but has no usefulness.

On the basis of given schedule, MU curve and TU curve can be drawn, as shown in the following diagram. Once When TU curve is falling, the MU curve becomes negative. When utility is created due to a change in the shape or structure of existing material, it is called form utility. Utility depends on the intensity of a want. The more intense the want, the greater will be the utility. As and when the urgency of want declines, utility diminishes.

As long as MU is positive, the TU increases with an increase in the consumption of a commodity. As MU from each successive unit diminishes, at that time TU increases but at a diminishing rate. When TU is maximum, the MU reaches zero.

When MU is constant Tu is?

In the equation, each unit of consumption is expected to have slightly less utility as more units are consumed. The law of diminishing marginal utility helps us to understand the paradox of values. 4) After this point, any additional unit consumed further results in a decline in the total utility, while marginal utility becomes negative.

A point F´ in figure MU curve cuts the s-axis at the 6th unit and TU curve has its maximum point F which is saturation point. Budget line shows all possible combinations of the two goods that a consumer can buy, given income and prices of commodities. Any other combination lying to the right of this line will be unreachable.

A rational consumer will not buy further once the equality between marginal utility and price is established. Total utility is the sum of all marginal utilities derived from consumption of each additional unit of a commodity. When marginal utility becomes negative the addition to total utility will be negative, thus, leading to diminishing total utility. It can be seen from the above schedule that total utility increases at a diminishing rate, which leads to fall in marginal utility. Let us understand the consumer’s equilibrium in the case of two commodities with an example. Suppose a consumer has to spend ₹.

Prof. Alfred Marshall in his book ‘Principles of Economics’ published in 1890. 3) MU of the commodity becomes negative when TU of a commodity is _____. Complete the following statements by choosing the correct alternatives. Chapter 2 – Utility AnalysisQ. MU of the commodity becomes negative when TU of a commodity is ………….

when mu is falling tu is

He will buy the unit of a commodity only if the benefit is greater than or at least equal to the cost. This is because of monotonic preferences, as monotonic preferences state that we must have atleast more of one good and no less that of other goods . The figure above shows that bundle F(OX2 + OY2) is monotonic preferred to bundle E(OX1 + OY1). So, if bundle F is monotonic preferred to bundle E than F bundle gives more satisfaction than that of Bundle E.

The relationship between TU (total utility) and MU (marginal utility) can be discussed as follows:

Show diagrammatically the conditions for consumer’s equilibrium, in Hicksian analysis of demand. Using indifference curve approach, explain the conditions of consumer’s equilibrium. Suppose a consumer wants to consume two goods which are available only in integer units. The two goods are equally priced at Rs 10 and the consumer’s income is Rs 40. When total utility falls, marginal utility becomes negative.

Hence, point F shall be on a higher IC and shall be more preferable to point E, lying on lower IC. Points on Y-axis from where budget line starts and the when mu is falling tu is point on X-axis where budget line ends. Consumers would always prefer more of a particular piece of goods to less of it, other things remaining the same.

Any combination lying to the left of this line results in non-spending of his income. In this case, the price ratio between X and Y changes. Since the price of X rises, the consumer is in a position to purchase lesser quantity of X while his ability to purchase Y remains unchanged. Total utility increases as long as marginal utility is positive (+). Higher IC lying above and to the right of another IC represents a higher level of satisfaction. All combinations of goods X and Y lying on the higher indifference curve IC2 have more satisfaction than lower indifference curve IC1 as shown in figure given here.

Relationship Between Total Utility (TU) and Marginal Utility (MU):

All units of a commodity are consumed in quick succession without any lapse of time. A person will demand a commodity only if it gives utility to him. For example, a sick person has utility in medicines hence, he demands medicines.

The consumer cannot move to Indifference Curve, i.e., IC3 as this is beyond his money income. Explain consumer equilibrium using the concept of budget line and indifference map or Interior Optimum Consumer Equilibrium. Marginal utility of last rupee spend on each commodity is same. Suppose there are two commodities, X and Y respectively. Marginal utility of the first unit is equal to Total Utility. It can be seen from the above diagram that all combinations of IC2 contain a large quantity of both X and Y, than all combinations on IC,.

A consumer consumes only two goods. Explain the conditions of the consumer’s equilibrium with the help of Utility Analysis. How many units of a commodity should a consumer buy to get its maximum utility? Explain with the help of a numerical example. ‘Higher indifference curve represents higher level of satisfaction to the consumer’. Explain the statement, also state the underlying assumption related to this property of indifference curve.

The commodity should satisfy any want of a person without consideration of what is good or bad, desirable or undesirable. For example, a knife has utility to cut fruits and vegetables as well as it can be used to harm someone. Both wants are of different nature but are satisfied by the same commodity. Thus, utility is ethically neutral.

Marginal utility derived from various units of a commodity and its total utility are interrelated. This can be easily followed from the hypothetical example is given in the table below. Marginal utility refers to the additional utility derived by a consumer from an additional unit of a commodity consumed. In other words, it is the addition made by the last unit of a commodity consumed.

When total utility is maximum at the 5th unit, marginal utility is zero. It is the point of satiety for the consumer. When total utility is decreasing, marginal utility is negative . These units give disutility or dissatisfaction, so it is no use having them.

State and explain the condition of consumer’s equilibrium in case of two commodities through utility approach. When purchasing a unit of a commodity a consumer compares its price with the expected utility from it. Utility obtained is the benefit, and the price payable is the cost. The consumer compares benefit and the cost.

When the tops of these blocks are joined by a smooth line, we obtain the MU curve. So long as the TU curve is rising, the MU curve is falling. When the former reaches the highest point Q, the latter touches the X-axis at point С where the MU is zero.